Tomorrowland Expo spreidt zijn vleugels naar Amsterdam

Tomorrowland Expo spreidt zijn vleugels naar Amsterdam

Na een succesvolle halte in Boom, krijgt de gratis expo een plek in De Rode Hoed tijdens ADE

Maandag 3 juni 2024 - Na het overweldigende succes van de Tomorrowland expo in Boom, waar zo’n 15.000 bezoekers werden verwelkomd, is het tijd om de vleugels te spreiden richting Amsterdam. In Boom wordt De Schorre momenteel in gereedheid gebracht voor de opbouw van Tomorrowland, maar dit najaar zal Tomorrowland opnieuw neerstrijken in Amsterdam tijdens het Amsterdam Dance Event (ADE). Meer info via

Van 16 oktober tot 20 oktober opent Tomorrowland een gratis expo in de Rode Hoed in Amsterdam. Deze tentoonstelling biedt een unieke kans om de magie van Tomorrowland te ervaren en de nieuwste projecten te ontdekken.  De expo staat open voor iedereen en biedt een inspirerend moment te midden van de drukke ADE-planning.

Daarnaast organiseert Tomorrowland een betoverende Our Story-show in de Ziggo Dome op vrijdag 18 oktober 2024, ter ere van het 20-jarig jubileum van het festival. Mensen van over de hele wereld kunnen tijdens Our Story genieten van een magisch spektakel, gebracht met het symfonisch orkest van The Symphony of Unity.  De line-up blijft geheim totdat de artiesten het podium betreden. Alle opbrengsten van Our Story 2024 gaan naar de Tomorrowland Foundation om kinderen en jongeren over de hele wereld te steunen.

Tomorrowland Expo – Amsterdam Dance Event 2024
​Woensdag 16 oktober – zondag 20 oktober
​De Rode Hoed – Keizersgracht 102, 1015 CV Amsterdam
​Meer info:

Debby Wilmsen Press Coordinator & Spokeswoman, Tomorrowland
Jordy Van Overmeire PR Coordinator, Tomorrowland
Over Tomorrowland België

Tomorrowland Belgium 2025 will take place across two weekends from July 18-20 and July 25-27, welcoming 400.000 People of Tomorrow from over 200 countries. The 19th edition of Tomorrowland will revolve around the entirely new theme ‘Orbyz’, turning De Schorre into a magical universe made of ice and full of mythical creatures, taking people along the adventures of a hidden community that rises to the surface after many years.

Tomorrowland is one of the largest and most iconic music festivals in the world held in recreation area De Schorre in Boom, Belgium, organized and owned by the original founders, the brothers Beers. Tomorrowland was first held in 2005 and has since become one of the world’s most notable global music festivals, where music and magic converge to create an unparalleled experience. It takes place every year in summer and stretches over 2 weekends, welcoming 400,000 People of Tomorrow from over 200 countries, and selling out in minutes year after year. Offering a unique camping experience with a wide range of accommodations, DreamVille is Tomorrowland’s official camping site located right next to the festival grounds, while people from every corner of the world can travel to Tomorrowland thanks to Global Journey, Tomorrowland's official travel program. Tomorrowland is located in a beautiful natural place: recreation area De Schorre in the town of Boom in Belgium. It is a true fairy tale world situated in beautiful natural surroundings with a strong eye for detail such as enchanting décor, magical stages, fascinating acts and peripheral animations, tasty and healthy food & drinks from around the world and spectacular fireworks – an unforgettable and incomparable show. Every year, the festival features a special theme that inspires the famed Mainstage design and stage production.

Tomorrowland caters to all genres in electronic dance music with hundreds of renowned artists performing across more than 16 different stages. More than a festival, Tomorrowland is a celebration of diversity and unity. Being a home to hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life, one of the most unique things about Tomorrowland remains the whole world coming together in one magical place with everyone being equal and uniting as one – symbolizing the values of freedom, respect, diversity, and solidarity. 

Tomorrowland Belgium 2025
Weekend 1: Friday July 18 – Sunday July 20
Weekend 2: Friday July 25 – Sunday July 27
Boom, Belgium

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